• 2021-04-14
    Which do you think is not the form of Public Speaking?
  • A research process


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      Which of the following statements are true about public speaking?( ) A: Advance your career B: Do good to society C: It is a form of empowerment D: All of them

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      which of the following choices are true about public speaking?( ) A: Learning public speaking can make you braver and more confident B: Public speaking will make you smarter C: Learning public speaking will make you more critical and more independent D: Public speaking is very useful in our daily life

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      Which of the following statements is not true:( ) A: Public speaking can turn you into a smarter one. B: Public speaking is a talent more than a skill C: Public speaking can teach you critical thinking. D: Public speaking training can turn you into a good speaker

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      which of the following choice is not true about public speaking ?( ) A: Public speaking is a form of empowerment B: Public speaking advances your career C: Learning to give speeches can be beneficial to society D: Public speaking is of little use in our daily life

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      中国大学MOOC: Public speaking is a form of empowerment. It means that public speaking is __________.