• 2021-04-14
    The notion of a language is not __________ and there really exist many types or__________ of the same language. Some language variations result from the language user, that is , his or her geographical origin (__________), or his or her social condition (__________). However, some language variations result from the circumstances of communication, such as __________ and Ligua Franca , __________ and __________ as well as__________.
  • monolithic  varieties  dialect  sociolect  pidgin  taboo  euphemism  jargon


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      According to some linguistics, Chinese language is a reader responsible language while English is a writer responsible language.

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      It is clearly whether someone can become a good language teacher solely depends on his/her command of the language. ()

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      there are some well-known theories about the origin of language

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      Some people have _________ a traditional view that language learning is essentially the same as the learning of grammar or language rules.

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      Whether someone can become a good foreign language teacher does not solely depend on his/ her command of the language.( )