• 2022-06-01
    Which of the following is true about the most popular music styles of each period of time?
    A: 1960s: heavy metal, Rock, Reggae
    B: 1970s: Rock, Disc, R&B
    C: 1980s: Rock, Reggae, Alternative
    D: 1990s: Rock, Hip-Hop, Punk
  • D


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      The song "What's going on"was a piece of( ). A: soul music B: R&B music C: classical music D: rock music

    • 1

      About American music, which of the following statement is not true?( ) A: Rock and roll, blues, country, rhythm and jazz, pop, and hip-hop are among the country's most internationally-renowned genres. B: The United States has the world's second largest music industry. C: It reflects the country’s multi-ethnic population through a diverse array of styles. D: One of the common themes of country music is about life in rural America.

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      It’s a large rock about 348 meters ______ .

    • 3

      The peak years of psychedelic rock were 1967’s Summer of Love and 1969’s Woodstock Festival. About these two events, which one is not true?

    • 4

      Which of the following statements is not true about rock and roll?