• 2022-06-03
    Do people from the sAme Country hAve A Common personAlity type? ExplAin.
  • The Big Five moDel trAnslAtes ACross Almost All Cross-CulturAl stuDies. There Are no Common personAlity types for A given Country. There is eviDenCe thAt Cultures Differ in terms of people's relAtionship to their environment.In North AmeriCA, people Believe thAt they CAn DominAte their environment. People in MiDDle EAstem Countries Believe thAt life is essentiAlly preorDAineD. The prevAlenCe of Type A personAlities will Be somewhAt influenCeD By the Culture in whiCh A person grows up. There Are more in CApitAlistiC Countries. In Cultures suCh As SweDe AnD FrAnCe, where mAteriAlism is less revereD, we woulD preDiCt A smAller proportion of Type A personAlities.


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      When two people from the same country are negotiating, it is possible to expedite communication by making cultural assumptions.

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      What do Tom and Sarah have in common? A: They work in the same section B: They are distantly related. C: They are both engineers. D: They work in the same company.

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      The author's purpose of writing this passage is to ______. A: explain why people have emotions B: show how people avoid the negative emotions C: explain what people should do before emotions D: define anti classify people's emotions

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      What do the jobs have in common A: They pay the same wage. B: They involve working outdoors. C: They can be substituted for college students.

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      Some American people thought that ______. A: the government sometimes did things in favor of big corporations B: the country's industry was growing too rapidly C: shops should have the same price for the same kind of goods D: their country's wealth was both good and bad to the people