back-up page
A: 备用页
B: %
C: @
A: 备用页
B: %
C: @
- Which of the following pages are NOT numbered except __________? A: the back of the abstract B: the title page C: the back of the title page D: the table of contents
- When accumulated revisions, including back-up pages, total over 60% of the total pages in the manual, a reissue of the manual should be prepared. A: 当修订页(包括备用页)占手册总页数的60%以上时,应重新编写手册。 B: 当被认可的修订(包括备用页)占手册总页数的60%以上时,应重新编写手册。 C: 当累积的修订(包括备用页)占手册总页数的60%以上时,应重新编写手册。
- He was walking ( ) along the corridor. A: back up B: back down C: back and forth D: back of
- You can' t ______your promise; all the people here are depending on you. A: back off B: back up C: back on to D: back out of
- 缩小图型元素的热键为()。 A: Home B: Page Up C: End D: Page Dow