• 2022-06-03
    We can distinguish those research reports from each other mainly through ______.
    A: their writing style and length
    B: their aims and possible audiences
    C: their presented places and time
    D: their content and purposes
  • B


    • 0

      We also learn English so that we can communicate and __________ each other in Singapore, and learn from each other's cultures. A: feelnervousabout B: takecareof C: beoppositeto D: feelateasewith

    • 1

      Which of the following is not a principle for writing the results section of a research paper? A: Results are presented in logical order. B: Results are presented through truthful expression without exaggeration. C: Results inconsistent with expectation should not be reported. D: The information of charts and text should complement each other.

    • 2

      You can get to know places through photos _____ by other users.

    • 3

      What can we consider in brainstorming for possible research interests?

    • 4

      I think this is the first time that we have met.( )anywhere. A: Each other have we seen never before B: Never before have we seen each other C: Never before we have seen each other D: Before have we never seen each other