How much does David earn annually
A: Twenty thousand dollars.
B: Thirty thousand dollars.
C: Sixty thousand dollars.
A: Twenty thousand dollars.
B: Thirty thousand dollars.
C: Sixty thousand dollars.
- What is the tuition for a full-time student A: One thousand eighty dollars. B: Two thousands eighty dollars. C: One thousand sixty dollars. D: Two thousand sixty dollars.
- What bills are invalid?以下那些票据是有效的?() A: Pay to M Co. or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.” B: Pay to M Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.” C: “Pay to M Co. out of the proceeds in our No. 1 account the sum of one thousand US dollars.” D: “Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.” E: “Pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars plus interest
- What bills are invalid?以下那些票据是有效的?() A: APay to M Co. or order the sum of one thousand US dollars.” B: BPay to M Co. providing the goods they supply are complied with contract the sum of one thousand US dollars.” C: C“Pay to M Co. out of the proceeds in our No. 1 account the sum of one thousand US dollars.” D: D“Pay to M Co or order the sum of one thousand US dollars and charge/debit same to applicant’s account maintained with you.” E: E“Pay to the order of ABC Co. the sum of one thousand US dollars plus interest
- 中国大学MOOC: The house in mortgaged to the bank for twenty thousand dollars.
- 中国大学MOOC:"The house is mortgaged to the bank for twenty thousand dollars.";