• 2022-06-03
    What don’t most Mongolians wear on formal occasions?
    A: robes
    B: suits
    C: T-shirt
  • B,C


    • 0

      Most people ... A: don't know what to say. B: don't know if they have a hobby.

    • 1

      People wear professional attire on formal occasions and dress at banquets reflects the principle of ( ) in the TPOR principle of modern dress etiquette. A: T (Time) B: P (Place) C: O (Object) D: R (Role)

    • 2

      I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ________.

    • 3

      Most people don’t like doctors ______ don’t smile.

    • 4

      Traditionally, Scotsmen don’t wear underwear with kilts?()