A: Fewer than 30,000
B: Around 30,000
C: More than 30,000
- How many people in front of the vehicles are killed or seriously injured every year A: 30,000. B: 60,000. C: Approximately 30,000. D: Above 30,000.
- How many people were killed in the raid A: More than 18. B: More than 80. C: More than a thousand.
- More than () firefighters came to fight the fire. A: 3,000 B: 300 C: 3,000,000 D: 30,000
- How many people were killed in the mine explosion() A: 177. B: 3. C: More than 3. D: More than 100.
- 根据合同规定,甲公司向本地Y企业预付货款30 000元用于采购B材料,在预付该货款时,以下会计分录不正确的有()。 A: 借:预付账款——Y企业30 000 贷:银行存款30 000 B: 借:银行存款30 000 贷:预付账款——Y企业30 000 C: 借:原材料30 000 贷:银行存款30 000 D: 借:原材料30 000 贷:预付账款——Y企业30 000
- 0
According to the news, how many people use Yiddish worldwide A: Fewer than 50,000. B: More than 50,000. C: Fewer than 500,000. D: More than 500,000.
- 1
某公司19××年7月1日发行面值为1元的普通股30000股,每股发行价格为2元,应编制会计分录( )。 A: 借:银行存款 30 000 贷:股本 30 000 B: 借:银行存款 60 000 贷:股本 60 000 C: 借:银行存款 60 000 贷:实收资本 60 000 D: 借:银行存款 60 000 贷:股本 30 000 资本公积 30 000
- 2
What is reported to have caused the death of at least 17 people? A: The heaviest wind storm in South Africa in more than 30 years. B: The heaviest snowfall in South Africa in more than 30 years. C: The most severe tornado in South Africa in more than 30 years. D: The most serious air crash in South Africa in more than 30 years.
- 3
(3)原材料的变动订货成本为( )元。 A: 25 000 B: 30 000 C: 60 000 D: 80 000
- 4
公司支付银行存款30 000元购入需安装的生产用设备一台,安装过程中领用原材料5 000元,设备安装完毕交付使用(不考虑增值税),则应编制的会计分录有( )。 A: 借:在建工程 30 000<br>贷:银行存款 30 000 B: 借:固定资产 30 000<br>贷:银行存款 30 000 C: 借:在建工程 5 000<br>贷:原材料 5 000 D: 借:固定资产 35 000<br>贷:在建工程 35 000