• 2022-06-03
    All the walls were ______ with pictures.
    A: hang
    B: hanged
    C: hanging
    D: hung
  • D


    • 0

      Stop _____ around here, you are getting in the way of others. A: to hang B: hangs C: hanging D: hanged

    • 1

      I often used to ___________ in supermarkets. A: hang out B: hangs out C: hanging out D: hung out

    • 2

      Many beautiful paintings were_________ on the walls. A: hung B: hanged

    • 3

      The picture __________ on the wall is painted by my nephew. A: having hung B: hanging C: hangs D: eing hung

    • 4

      But the silence which ______ the place filled me with apprehension, and when we walked in the back door which hung open, we saw people standing in the kitchen. A: hung about B: hung off C: hang D: hang about