• 2022-06-03
    75% of the world's bananas are grown in the Philippines.
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      以下程序段的输出结果是 。Char s[ ]=”Hello World!”;Strlwr(s);Printf(“%s”,s); A: hello world! B: HELLO world! C: hello WORLD! D: HELLO WORLD!

    • 1

      ______thisway,oneof_____thefavoritedrinkswasinvented. A: In;world’s B: By;world’sCOn!WorldD,To;world

    • 2

      There are very few areas in the world ______ be grown successfully. A: apricots B: where apricots can C: where can apricots D: which can apricots

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      “Go bananas” means that “go to buy some bananas”.

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      中国大学MOOC: The U.S. is the world’s greatest power and the world’s greatest debtor.