• 2022-06-03
    What does he use to pay the bill?
  • A check with a banker's card.


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      u06p22.mp3:2. What does Bill promise to do? Why does he agree to do that?Bill agrees to bring the shipment forward to ( ) as this is their ( )./js/editor20150812/dialogs/attachment_new/fileTypeImages/icon_mp3.gif

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      He found he _______ money with him when he was about to pay the bill .

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      What does Bill do in the company?

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      he demanded that I ______ the bill by Friday at the latest. ( ). A: must pay B: pay C: paid D: to pay

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      A: Bill is from Australia. He can speak French and English.B:Wow.Q: What languages does Bill speak? A: Chinese B: French C: English D: B and C