• 2022-06-03
    背景图片的定位方法background-position: top left 和left top效果是不一样的。( )
    A: 对
    B: 错
  • B


    • 0

      用于对对象进行定位的属性有() A: position B: top C: z-index D: left

    • 1


    • 2

      下面哪个属性设置背景图片的位置? A: position B: background-position C: left D: display

    • 3

      背景颜色渐变的方向默认是( ) A: left从左到右 B: top left从左上到右下 C: top从上往下 D: left center左边中间开始

    • 4

      In css style, the meaning of background-position:-10px 20px is ( ) A: The background<br/>picture is offset by 10px to the left and 20px to the down B: The background<br/>picture is offset by 10px to the left and 20px to the top C: The background<br/>picture is offset by 10px to the right and 20px to the down D: The background<br/>picture is offset by 10px to the right and 20px to the upper