• 2021-04-14
    Which of the following is not physical symptoms caused by culture shock?
  • excitement


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      Which of the following symptoms is not suitable for eating Chinese Cabbage? A: Cough caused by lung heat B: Constipation C: Cool limbs caused by yang deficiency D: Erysipelas

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      Which of the following statements is correct? A: A. Culture shock only happens when a man travels to a different country. B: B. Culture shock often disappears by itself after a long period of time. C: C. Culture shock has a greater impact on adults than on kids. D: D. Culture shock may cause negative emotional problems.

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      Which of the following is the first stage of culture shock? ( ) A: the hostility stage B: the honeymoon stage C: the recovery stage D: the adjustment stage

    • 3

      Among the following clinical manifestations of uremic patients, which is mainly caused by renal endocrine dysfunction [] A: Gastrointestinal symptoms B: Anemia C: Azotaemia D: Neurological symptoms E: Metabolic acidosis

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      Which stage of culture shock is full of observations and new discoveries?