• 2022-06-03
    used bookstore received a month’s worth of books
    in______ in a week.
  • donations


    • 0

      “Worth one's salt” means ______.

    • 1

      London Fashion Week is one of the "Big Four" fashion weeks along with New York Fashion Week, Milan Fashion Week and Paris Fashion Week.(5.0分)

    • 2

      In Middle Ages, young men and women would wear their sleeves for A: one day B: one year C: one week D: one month

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      battery ( ) A: one who is<br/>deeply loved. B: good for the<br/>health of one's body or mind. C: a device that<br/>makes electricity by using chemical reactions. __________ are used to<br/>power many things, including cars, flashlights, toys, and watches. D: made or done<br/>without purpose or pattern; made or done by chance.

    • 4

      请根据例句选出正确的句子顺序。[br][/br]Model:[br][/br]I will be able to win a race with a cheer as big as the one I got when I lost that race as a freshman.[br][/br]①This book[br][/br]②the one I read last week[br][/br]③is as interesting as A: ③②① B: ①②③ C: ①③②