• 2022-06-03
    Black ties are ______ this year, but it was very fashionable two years ago.
    A: in fashion
    B: out of fashion
    C: out of the style
    D: in style
  • B


    • 0

      The dress was in fashion( ) . A: last year B: in 2016 C: now D: three years ago

    • 1

      Coco Chanel's quote “Fashion passes but style remains” _____. A: means fashion needs to be replaced by something new every year B: distinguishes between fashion, which is temporary, and style, which lasts longer C: promotes clothes accessible to women D: means the same in English as in French

    • 2

      Acceptance indicates change: what is in fashion one year will be out the next.

    • 3

      It was very _______in the past. A: fashion B: fashionable C: fashioned

    • 4

      When was the man in New York A: About two years ago. B: About one year ago, C: About three years ago.