以下词组中不是“性别歧视”的是 ()
A: Gender penalty
B: gender gap
C: gender discrimination
A: Gender penalty
B: gender gap
C: gender discrimination
- 11. 坚决防止和纠正就业中的性别和身份歧视。 A: We will utterly avoid and redress the gender and identity discrimination in employment. B: We will resolutely protect against and stop gender and identity discrimination in employment.
- Gender discrimination is not prevalent nowadays.
- Gender discrimination is still obvious in some occupations.()
- 查询student表中的gender字段(gender代表性别),使其查询记录中不能出现重复值的SQL语句是(1.0分) A: SELECT gender FROM student; B: SELECT DISTINCT * FROM student; C: SELECT DISTINCT gender FROM student; D: SELECT * FROM student;
- In a gender interview, the researcher asked a little boy Fei Fei, "If you wear a skirt, will you become a boy or a girl?" Which dimension of children's gender perception was examined? () A: Gender identity B: Gender stability C: Gender consistency D: Gender stereotypes