• 2022-06-03
    Natural foods also ________ vegetables not nourished by chemical fertilizers.
  • include


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      Natural foods also vegetables not nurished by chemical fertilizer. A: remove B: have C: contain D: include

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      1. Natural foods are rich inessential ____①____and ___②___.2. The use of chemicals and fertilizers is to increase the __③_not the _④___of foods.

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      What kinds of foods are considered natural foods? A: vegetables ,fruit ,and grain grown in soil rich in vitamins and minerals B: vegetables ,fruit ,and grain C: animals D: animals allowed to feed and move freely outdoors.

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      48. The quantity of farm foods is related to the use of chemicals and fertilizers.( )

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      Compare the following sentences and their paraphrases, then choose the ways of paraphrasing. People are increasingly interested in natural foods which do not contain chemical additives.[br][/br] →Interest has grown in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives. A: By using different order; B: By using different parts of speech; C: By using the negative or positive structure; D: By using the passive voice or active voice; E: By using synonyms; F: By using impersonal structure.