• 2022-06-03
    The reason why he hasn’t come is _______.
    A: because his mom is ill
    B: because of his mom’s being ill
    C: that his mom is ill
    D: for his mom is ill
  • C


    • 0

      To his mother’s relief, Tom had perfectly recovered from his _______ (ill).

    • 1

      A boy stopped crying when his mom gave him candies. Seveal times later, when he cried, his mom would give him candies immediately.According to the theory of behaviorism, this mom’s behavior of giving candies can be explained by _____. A: the negative reinforcement B: spontaneous recovery C: the positive reinforcement D: extinction

    • 2

      I want to see____.He is ill at home. A: his B: he C: him

    • 3

      His friends are not happy with him because he always turns down their invitations () ill health. A: on the ground of B: on the strength of C: in view of D: by means of

    • 4

      Questions 11-13 are based on the following dialogue. Why was the man relieved at last A: Because the telegram was a false one. B: Because this telegram was not addressed to him. C: Because his uncle wasn’t ill at all. D: Because it was somebody else that was ill.