Which sentence is more emphatic?
Some people are still alive when they are dead; but other people are dead when they are still alive.
- Which sentence structure is more emphatic? A: Coordination B: Subordination
- Which voice is more emphatic in a sentence? A: Passive voice B: Active voice
- An inverted sentence is more emphatic than one with the normal order.
- Revise the following sentence to make it more emphatic: The students were patiently helped by their teachers and good progress was made by them. Revision: ________________________, the students ______________.
- A sentecen has naturally emphatic positions, and the most emphatic is ____. A: the end B: the beginning C: the middle D: sentence base
- 0
Which of the four choices may bring a more concise and stronger effect for the following sentence
- 1
中国大学MOOC: What kind of emphatic device is used in the third sentence?
- 2
中国大学MOOC: A cleft sentence is an emphatic construction with non-referring it as formal subject.
- 3
A cleft sentence is an emphatic construction with non-referring it as formal subject. A: 正确 B: 错误
- 4
The most emphatic location in a paragraph is the __________ sentence in a paragraph. A: first B: second C: last D: middle