• 2022-06-03
    What's the essence of the Renaissance?
    A: Enlightenment
    B: Naturalism
    C: Humanism
    D: Modernism
  • C


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      _______is the essence of the Renaissance. A: Individualism B: Reason C: Irrationalism D: Humanism

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      Which is correct according to the time when they appeared? A: romanticism, neo-classicism, humanism, critical realism B: humanism, neo-classicism, romanticism, critical realism C: romanticism, humanism, realism, naturalism D: realism, critical realism, romanticism, humanism

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      The key-note of Renaissance is _______ A: humanism B: Puritanism C: romanticism D: classicism

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      The key-note of the Renaissance is ( ). A: romanticism B: asceticism C: humanism D: realism

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      In the 20th century English literaturecoexist. A: realism and romanticism B: naturalism and realism C: realism and modernism