• 2022-06-03
    Chinese calligraphy---Running Script appeared in Tang Dynasty. ( )
  • 本题目来自[网课答案]本页地址:https://www.wkda.cn/ask/yzzmzxmjzpjejoo.html


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      风俗画始于汉盛于唐The Chinese genre painting started in the Han dynasty and blossomed in the Tang dynasty.

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      In China, the earliest poster appeared in Tang Dynasty.

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      Seal Script appeared in the Warring States Period. And it was formed in Qin Dynasty. Then, it became dominant in the Han dynasty and remained in use through the Wèi-Jìn periods.

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      eligionflourished from the Tang Dynasty to the early Song Dynasty.

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      With the evolution of Chinese characters, Chinese calligraphy has undergone changes in certain aspects, the correct order is ( ) A: Clerical script-- Seal script-- Running script-- Regular script-- Cursive script B: Clerical script-- Cursive script-- Regular script-- Seal script-- Running script C: Seal script--Cursive script--Clerical script-- Regular script--Running script D: Seal script--Clerical script--Cursive script-- Running script--Regular script