• 2022-06-11
    She drove her car, a 1960s’s vintage Volkswagen.
    A: Loose
    B: Periodic
  • A


    • 0

      Why is Laura at her dad’s shop A: She’s waiting for her father. B: She’s having her bicycle repaired. C: She wanted to surprise John. D: She works there.

    • 1

      A) She hacked into the Amazon app.B) Her mom’s phone was unlocked.C) She used her mom’s password to unlock her phone.D) She gently picked up her mother’s thumb to unlock her phone.

    • 2

      Where is the little girl? A: She's at the class room. B: She's at an internet bar. C: She's at her mother's office. D: She's at home.

    • 3

      —Canyousee____intheroom?<br/>—No,butIcansee____bag. A: her;her B: her;hers C: she;her D: her;she’s

    • 4

      Nancy’s gone to work but her car’s still there. She______ by bus.