• 2022-06-11
    I really don’t understand ______ he said.
    A: what
    B: that
    C: it
    D: whether
  • A


    • 0

      Only then _______ what he really meant when he said “ You left something here.”(4.3) A: did I understand B: I understood C: understood I D: did understand I

    • 1

      I don’t know ________ he will come or not. A: if B: whether C: that D: what

    • 2

      The reason why I was angry was he didn't understand me. A: that B: / C: what D: whether

    • 3

      I don't care ____ he doesn't show up. A: if B: whether C: what D: that

    • 4

      I didn't understand ( ) he said just now. A: why B: when C: that D: what