• 2022-06-11
    The decrease of GFR can induce edema due to imbalance of fluid interchange between plasma and interstitial compartments.
  • 内容

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      What is the main difference in electrolyte content between interstitial fluid and plasma? A: Na+ B: K+ C: Organic acid D: Protein

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      That the concentration difference between the plasma and the<br/>interstitial fluid is the highest is ___. () A: Na+ B: Cl- C: K+ D: Protein E: HCO3-

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      What does edema mean? A: swelling induced by increased body fluid B: too much intracellular fluid C: too much extracellular fluid D: the accumulation of excess fluid within the interstitial space

    • 3

      Edema may be caused by() A: high blood pressure. B: decreased plasma protein concentration. C: leakage of plasma protein into the interstitial fluid. D: heart failure E: all of these

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      Filariasis(丝虫病) causes edema by A: blocking the lymphatic drainage B: increasing the capillary pressure C: decreasing the plasma colloid osmotic pressure D: increasing the interstitial hydrostatic pressure