• 2022-06-11
    A: Ainfo-center disable
    B: Bundo info-center enable
    C: Cdisable info-center
    D: Dundo info-center
  • B


    • 0

      Whichof the followings are considered the characteristics of London? A: The sports center B: The financial center C: The business center D: The cultural center

    • 1

      设置表格在页面上居中显示的属性是()。 A: <;tablevalign=”center”>; B: <;tralign=”center”>; C: <;tablealign=”center”>; D: <;tdalign=”center”>;

    • 2

      以下样式中使用id选择器的是? A: p.center {text-align:center;} B: [title]{text-align:center;color:red;} C: D: para1{text-align:center;color:red;} E: .cc{text-align:center;color:red;}

    • 3

      Goods handling may account for only 50% of the direct labor cost in warehouse and 70% in( ). A: Sales center B: Distribution center (B) Stock center (D) Process center

    • 4

      执行()命令操作,元器件按水平中心线对齐。 A: Center B: DistrubuteHorizontally C: Center Horizontally D: Horizontally