• 2022-06-11
    If you have bad toothache, you ____________go to the dentist.
  • should


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      —I have a bad____ .<br/>—You should see a dentist. A: throat B: toothache C: cold D: fever

    • 1

      A: Oh!!! I have a horrible 1 .B: You should go to the 2 A: I 3 dentists.B: Well, suffer then. If you have a toothache, you have to go to the dentist.A: It always 4 . I hate going.B: Stop being such a baby. If it really hurts that much, just let them knock you out.A: O.K., O.K., I’ll go.B: Good. You feel 5 after you do. A: hate B: hurts C: dentist. D: expensive E: a twin-bed F: better G: toothache

    • 2

      —I have a bad_ B .<br/>—You should see a dentist. A: throat B: toothache C: cold D: fever

    • 3

      When you have a,you will visit a dentist.

    • 4

      You go to see a ____ when you have problems with your teeth.( ) A: artist B: journalist C: dentist D: lawyer