• 2022-06-11
    What adjective most aptly describes the current state of evidence indicating that fructose intake may promote fatty liver in humans:
    A: inconclusive
    B: promising
    C: convincing
    D: conclusive
  • A


    • 0

      A. None of the evidence on dietary protein and specific health outcomes can be classified as “conclusive”</p></p><p><p>B. The relation between protein intake and cancer mortality and cancer diseases can be classified as “probable”</p></p>

    • 1

      The most convincing evidence of establishing Dengfeng as the center of heaven and earth is ____. A: Zhongyue temple B: Songyang Academy C: the Zhougong Sundial Platform D: three Han Que gates

    • 2

      Which<br/>of the following usually do not have hepatomegaly( ) A: Early<br/>stage of liver cirrhosis B: Ultimate<br/>stage of liver cirrhosis C: Liver<br/>cancer D: Fatty<br/>liver E: Alcoholic<br/>liver disease.

    • 3

      In the next 10 years, healthcare career will be ____ than ever before. A: promising B: more promising C: most promising D: promisinger

    • 4

      According to the text, which adjective best describes Charlie Chaplin?