Which of the following types of urine is suitable for urine protein
detection? ()
A: morning urine
B: random urine
C: 24-hour urine
D: clean midstream urine
E: postprandial urine
detection? ()
A: morning urine
B: random urine
C: 24-hour urine
D: clean midstream urine
E: postprandial urine
- Which of the followings can help with the diagnosis? A: Serum T3, T4, and TSH B: Karyotype analysis C: Urine ferric chloride D: Urine glycosaminoglycans E: Urine copper excretion
- 中国大学MOOC: Which of the following is not the stage of urine formation?
- The normal final urine volume accounts for ( ) about the<br/>original urine volume () A: 1% B: 10% C: 20% D: 30% E: 65%
- The normal final urine volume accounts for ( )<br/>about the original urine volume [] A: 1% B: 10% C: 20% D: 30% E: 65%
- A<br/>19-year-old male student, bubble urine accompanied by feeble after<br/>the 5000 - meter run, urine routine: protein 1.0g/L, hyaline<br/>cast 2 ~ 4 / L, the routine urine change into normal after 1 day<br/>rest, which is the type proteinuria ( <br/>) A: Functional<br/>proteinuria B: Glomerular proteinuria C: Secretory proteinuria D: Overflow proteinuria E: Tubular proteinuria