• 2022-06-11
    A white or yellowish discharge of mucous material from the vagina, often an indication of infection, is called_____
    A: leucorrhea
    B: cyanobacteria
    C: glaucoma
    D: melanoma
  • A


    • 0

      Coughing, sneezing, headache...are called _______ A: symptoms B: infection C: sickness

    • 1

      23.The process of cell division is called _________. A: mitosis B: infection C: replication D: development

    • 2

      The material of making a kilt is called Tartan.

    • 3

      The following statement about pelvic organ prolapse is wrong: A: The cervix of the uterus is out of the vagina, and the body of the uterus is still in the vagina, I degree B: Evaluate the patient's condition before treatment and choose the non-surgical treatment as the first choice C: The early clinical manifestation is the tissue prolapse of vagina mouth D: According to POP-Q index method, the distal indication point of prolapse is 0, which is II degree

    • 4

      Which of the following is the features of inflammatory polyp except<br/>____ A: Protruding from the mucosal surface B: Only parenchymal cell hyperplasia C: Belonging to chronic inflammation D: Often associated with mucous membrane E: Common in nasal mucosa and cervix