• 2022-06-11
    Watch the interview with Audrey Hepburn and choose the best answer for the following questions.2. Audrey Hepburn left Ethiopia with a feeling of __________________.
    A: hopelessness
    B: encouragement
    C: depression
    D: sadness
  • B


    • 0

      Which movie helped Audrey Hepburn win the Best Actress of Oscar? A: Fair Lady B: Roman Holiday

    • 1

      How did Audrey Hepburn start her career?

    • 2

      What are the two aspects of Audrey Hepburn's achievements?

    • 3

      Audrey Hepburn was always ready to follow others’ examples.

    • 4

      Audrey Hepburn made a name of herself for playing the lead role in ________.