• 2022-06-10
    1.1The history of Roman civilization and the Roman Empire would have been ______ if the ancient Greek books on philosophy, arts, and science were not translated into ______ .
  • different:)Latin


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      In the passage the author implied that ______. A: music did not exist before the Middle Ages B: we were not better off than the Greek and Roman men C: there .was not enough evidence to prove that Western music was originated from the ancient Greece and Rome D: there were no authentic remains of the ancient Roman music

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      The Neo-classical literature imitates the style of the ancient Greek and Roman, which is passionate and imaginative.

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      The contemporary western philosopher Bertrand Russell said that all the western philosophy is ________. A: Roman philosophy B: Greek philosophy C: Athens philosophy D: Persia philosophy

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      东罗马帝国的 A: East Rome B: Byzantine C: Holy Roman Empire D: Roman Empire

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      The Roman Empire made a full Roman occupation of British Isles in 55BC.