• 2022-06-10
    A: notarized
    B: necessitated
    C: notified
    D: nominated
  • C


    • 0

      28.People say that honesty is the best policy, but it isn't _____ the easiest policy. A: necessary B: necessitated C: necessarily D: necessity

    • 1

      China has always __________ me. ( ) A: anticipated B: participated C: fascinated D: nominated

    • 2

      Passengers are ______ not to leave their cases and packages here. A: commanded B: informed C: notified D: ordered

    • 3

      Passengers are ______ not to leave their eases and packages here. A: commanded B: informed C: notified D: advised

    • 4

      The police must be of the date of the demonstration in advance. A: notified B: claimed C: noted D: declared