• 2021-04-14
    American higher education has four major features, which make it attractive to both ________ and foreign students. These features are size, ________, __________, and accessibility. Today, there are _____________________ institutions of higher education in the US, some of which have dozens of ____________ and hundreds of thousands of _____________. Higher education has become one of the biggest ______________ in the US, employing _________________ people. American higher education is diverse in several ways. The system consists of both prestigious private universities (e.g. ____________________ and publicly funded _________________, both huge ___________________ and small private institutions. They are highly diverse in the number of foreign students, faculties, visiting scholars, female students, and students and faculty from ______________. American higher education is also unique in offering a wide variety of ___________________________. It is ____________-centered and consumer-oriented. The variety of programs and courses contributes to the _______________ of the American system. Undergraduates usually do not have to ____________ in the first year of their study. Most academic programs include ___________________, which students can take outside their main field of study. American higher education is also characterized by its accessibility. Americans believe everybody should have a right to ___________________. A large portion of young people can pursue _______________ studies. Moreover, an increasing number of older people are attending colleges and universities for additional training or for preparing for ___________________. Even a large number of ______________ enroll in noncredit college courses.
  • domestic  diversity  flexibility  more than 3600  campuses  enrolled students  industries  about 3 million  Harvard, Stanford  community colleges  state universities  ethnic minorities  subjects and course options  student  flexibility  specialize  elective courses  a higher education  postsecondary  a new career  retired people


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      Which of the following is NOT mentioned in American higher education?

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      In America, _______________. A: very few people receive higher education B: some colleges do not admit women students C: nearly half of the school leavers have the chance to go to college D: all the universities are huge

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      Which of the following is not a feature of US higher education system?

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      Which of the following does not seem to be an explanation of the great demand for college education in America A: The parents have realized that higher education means a higher standard of living. B: A high-school education is not "high" enough for most occupations. C: A great need has been developed for many varieties of specialists. D: High schools concentrate mainly on preparing students for colleges.

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      Prior to higher education American students attend school for total of _________ years。( ) A: 11 B: 9 C: 10 D: 12