• 2022-06-11
    It took Evergreen Company US$____to establish its first New York branch. [音频]
  • 2 million /2000,000


    • 0

      We are happy to inform you that we (establish) ________________ a new branch in Australia.

    • 1

      FOB NEW YORK,US,代表NEW YORK为货物的(  )。

    • 2

      It was in the year of 2008 _____ they set up the first branch company in China.

    • 3

      45. What will the company do in the future? A: A) Sell its products worldwide. B: B) Handle all its orders online. C: C) Establish a new office in New York. D: D) Carry out a jean-recycling program.

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      Now the company plans to _____(下放) parts of its responsibilities to branch offices.