• 2022-06-11
    We must do our best to ( ) the pollution of the environment.
    A: hinder
    B: invade
    C: prevent
    D: help
  • C


    • 0

      Which of the following titles is a proper one? A: What should we do to prevent air pollution? B: An Exploration into the Measures to Prevent Air Pollution C: How does air pollution happen? D: Computer Retrieval

    • 1

      We must try our best to __________( regulation) our expenditure.

    • 2

      The type of food we eat ( ) A: has an indirect but great effect on our environment. B: has nothing to do with our environment. C: has nothing to do with our health. D: is decided only by our economic status.

    • 3

      We must do everything possible to prevent such things from ________ again.

    • 4

      We must preserve our natural resources. A: prevent B: protest C: reserve D: save