The president can't dissolve Congress or call special elections so he or she is inferior to the Congress.
- The President can only sign legislation passed by Congress into law.
- Question 1: ( ) A: President Obama criticized the Congress for not passing the law of<br/>gun control. B: President Obama advocated the Congress to pass the law of gun<br/>control. C: President Obama believed the gun control debate needed to change. D: President Obama disagreed with the gun control act carried out by the<br/>Congress.
- 中国大学MOOC: If a bill is vetoed by the President, the Congress can override the veto by_______________.
- 【填空题】If the president is accused of a serious crime,Congress can bring charges against thepresident. This is called____________.
- Which of the following bodies are responsible for the conduct of monetary policy? A: the Federal Reserve System B: Congress C: the President D: Congress and the President, jointly