• 2022-06-11
    What is most funny about Thomas Edison?
    A: He set up his first laboratory at 10.
    B: His primary school teachers described him as stupid.
    C: He made over 1,300 inventions in his lifetime.
    D: He was taught by his own mother at home.
  • B


    • 0

      After the son joined the Navy, ______. A: he made it a rule to visit his father’s office each time he came home B: his father went with him on holidays C: his father started to introduce his son to his co-workers D: his father would like his son to visit his office each time he came home

    • 1

      Forrest doesn’t remember being born. He doesn’t r___1____ what he got f___2____ his first Christmas and he doesn’t know when he went o___3____ his first outdoor picnic. But, he d____4___ remember the first time he heard the sweetest v___5____ in the world. When Jenny allowed him to sit next t___6____ her, he thought he saw an angel. They sat together and had conversation all the way to school. Jenny asked him a___7____ his leg braces. He told her the braces would make his back as s____8___ as an arrow. Jenny asked whether he was stupid. He told her w___9____ his mommy said “stupid is a___10____ stupid does”. They shook hands and became best friends.

    • 2

      He wouldn't change his idea once he's made up his mind. Any to let him change will be in vain.

    • 3

      Which of the following is true about Thomas Edison? A: His inventions had a major impact on the lives of people worldwide. B: His laboratory is in West Orange C: His first film studio, Black Maria, was the name given to black police wagon at that time.

    • 4

      ______ father bought ______ a new book. A: His; him B: His, he C: He; him D: He; his