• 2022-06-11
    A: monomer
    B: polymer
    C: molecule
    D: atom
  • B


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      翻译句子:It is essentially the“giantness”of the size of the polymer molecule that makes its behavior different from that of a commonly known chemical compound such as benzene.

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      连锁聚合体系聚合过程中含有大量的( )。 A: 单体 B: 聚合物 C: 低聚物 D: 中间产物

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      苯乙烯可以采用下列哪些聚合方法聚合得到聚合物() A: 自由基聚合 B: 阳离子聚合 C: 阴离子聚合 D: 本体聚合

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      Enzymes make use of nonprotein molecules: they frequently have a small molecule or metal atom associated with their active site that assists with their catalytic function.

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