A: select*from student where type=“数学” and type=“语文”
B: select*from student where type=“数学” or type=“语文”
C: select*from student where type in(“数学”,“语文”)
D: select*from student where type in(“数学”、“语文”)
A: select*from student where type=“数学” and type=“语文”
B: select*from student where type=“数学” or type=“语文”
C: select*from student where type in(“数学”,“语文”)
D: select*from student where type in(“数学”、“语文”)
- 使用教学(STC)数据库,与如下查询语句等价的是( )。 SELECT *FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' EXCEPT SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sage <= 19; A: SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' AND Sage > 19 B: SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' AND Sage <= 19 C: SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' OR Sage <= 19 D: SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' OR Sage > 19
- 下列 SQL 语句select * from student where sno = '05880101'union select * from student where sno = '05880102'与此查询语句等价的选项是( )。 A: select * from student where sno= '05880101' and sno= '05880102' B: select * from student where sno= '05880101' or sno= '05880102' C: select * from student where sno= '05880101' D: select * from student where sno= '05880102'
- 在所有学生中查询比计算机系学生平均年龄大的学生姓名,可以使用的查询语句是: A: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sage > ( SELECT AVG(Sage) FROM Student ); WHERE Sdept = 'CS' B: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sage > AVG( SELECT Sage FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' ); C: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE Sage > ( SELECT AVG(Sage) FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' ); D: SELECT Sname FROM Student WHERE AVG(Sage) > ( SELECT Sage FROM Student WHERE Sdept = 'CS' );
- 若想查询student表中name为空值的记录,则正确的SQL语句是( )。 A: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name = NULL; B: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name like NULL; C: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name = 'NULL'; D: SELECT * FROM student WHERE name is NULL;
- 从学生表student查询所有女学生的信息,正确的语句是( )。 A: SELECT B: FROM student where 性别="女"; C: SELECT * FROM student where 性别="女"; D: SELECT ? FROM student where 性别="女"; E: SELECT FROM student where 性别="女";