• 2021-04-14
    4.What are the differences in the Chinese, Americans and the British people respectively in terms of consuming habits?
  • The Chinese like to try goods out before they buy them. Americans tend to be impressed by a strong sales pitch; the British enjoy a good manner.


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      People from collectivistic cultures may find that_______ A: Americans pay relatively little attention to groups. B: Americans are more involved with people who are more senior. C: Americans define their status in terms of what they have achieved. D: Americans are relatively unconcerned about interpersonal relations.

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      What are the differences between English and Chinese?

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      Do you find any differences between Chinese and English kinship terms?

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      What are the 10 habits for successful people?_______

    • 4

      Task 8-1 understanding the terms in Figure 4(副本) Please match the terms with their possible meaning respectively: