4.What are the differences in the Chinese, Americans and the British people respectively in terms of consuming habits?
The Chinese like to try goods out before they buy them. Americans tend to be impressed by a strong sales pitch; the British enjoy a good manner.
- 9. Cultural differences come into play when Americans work with the Chinese in terms of work experience, pay and communication style
- 19. Cultural differences come into play when Americans work with the Chinese in terms of work experience, pay and communication style
- Even when they are healthy, Chinese people do tend to pay careful attention to what they are consuming so that they can keep a healthy balance in their diet.
- what are the differences betweenThe British Isles, Great Britain, British Conunonwealth and England?
- What is one of the cultural differences that might annoy Americans?
- 0
People from collectivistic cultures may find that_______ A: Americans pay relatively little attention to groups. B: Americans are more involved with people who are more senior. C: Americans define their status in terms of what they have achieved. D: Americans are relatively unconcerned about interpersonal relations.
- 1
What are the differences between English and Chinese?
- 2
Do you find any differences between Chinese and English kinship terms?
- 3
What are the 10 habits for successful people?_______
- 4
Task 8-1 understanding the terms in Figure 4(副本) Please match the terms with their possible meaning respectively: