• 2021-04-14
  • 名义上的


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      The bad money in the law of bad money expelling good money refers to ( ). A: A money whose nominal value is higher than its real value B: A money whose nominal value is lower than their real value C: Money with no nominal value D: Money with no real value

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      If a country had deflation, A: the nominal interest rate would be greater than the real interest rate. B: the real interest rate would be greater than the nominal interest rate. C: the real interest rate would equal the nominal interest rate. D: None of the above is necessarily correct.

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      The nominal interest rate minus the expected rate of inflation _________

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      解释概念:名义利率( nominal rate of interest)

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      中国大学MOOC: The relationship between the nominal rate of return, the real rate of return and the rate of inflation is(1 + nominal rate) = (1 + real rate)´ (1 + inflation rate).