• 2021-04-14
    Paraphrasing simply means taking the original text and using your ____ and structure to rewrite it while still conveying the same message
  • own word choices


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      Rewrite the following sentences after the models, using the structure “there is (no) room for…”.

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      What are the appropriate ways to borrow others’ ideas in your<br/>writing? () A: Citing<br/>sources of borrowed text inside your writing B: Citing<br/>sources of borrowed text at the end of your writing using references C: Paraphrasing<br/>the borrowed information does not need in-text citation D: Paraphrasing<br/>the borrowed information does not need citation at the end of your<br/>essay

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      Rewrite the sentences by using “no longer “and “not...any more”She was in hospital and she was on the danger list.She is still in hospital but ( ).She is still in hospital but ( ).

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      Which word means "at the same time" in the text?

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      For citation of the content, there are two methods: quoting the original sources directly and paraphrasing the sources with your own words.