Nature will accommodate when humans choose between their own well-being and that of nature.
- Which of the following perceptions are accordance with sane-environmentaism? A: Man is the measure of All things. B: Man can conquer Nature. C: Nature is Our motherland. We should respect and worship Nature. D: Nature is Our ward, not Our master. E: Nature is to serve human beings. F: Earth is a living organism. G: Humanity should adapt to Nature When its fate and that of Naturear are closely connected. H: We should give priority to humans' well-being compared with that of Nature.
- The Confucian view of human nature explains the relationship between man and nature from the perspective of the unity of man and nature. Which kind of relationship does this reflect between man and nature? A: Control nature B: Live in harmony with nature C: Be submissive to nature. D: All of the above are wrong
- The author concludes with a ________ for increased respect for nature and emphasizes that it is desirable for humans to learn to live harmoniously with nature.
- Read Text B and choose the best answer. What is the purpose of this article A: To request humans to stop abusing animals. B: To urge humans to respect and enjoy nature. C: To show that nature is generous to humans. D: To prove that humans are powerful creatures.
- To live up to the philosophy of living in harmony with nature, humans should clear away any intentions of combating nature.
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智慧职教: Ecological tourism is the tourism on the basis of nature, ( )on learning the nature, enjoying the nature, protecting the nature.
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usually stresses the close relationship between man and nature. It views nature as a source of physical beauty, a revelation of truth,a manifestation of spirit in the universe, and the living garment of God. It holds that humanity close to nature will behave well,and will not be hindered by civilization. A: Puritanism B: Realism C: Naturalism D: Romanticism
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According to Laozi, following the way of nature is the way to resolving conflicts between humans and the world. A: 正确 B: 错误
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Man is not only a ______ in nature but also a ______ of nature.
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The environment is broader than nature, but it includes nature.