• 2022-06-12
    Romeo arrives at the Capulet family tomb to find his love, Juliet supposedly dead. However, the audience knows that Juliet is not dead; she merely took a potion to make it look like she died for her motives. When the audience of a story knows more than the characters involved, what type of irony is employed?
    A: verbal irony
    B: dramatic irony
    C: situational irony
    D: oxymoron
  • B


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      Romeo drinks poison because( ) A: he thinks Juliet doesn't love him. B: he knows he has brought shame on his family. C: he thinks Juliet is dead.

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      When you pause to let the irony sink in, you are ______. A: regretting using the irony B: giving the listeners time to understand your irony

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      And then he traversed the room like a hound on the scent… A: irony B: personification C: simile D: irony

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      Check your understanding: Reordering. Write a number (1–7) to put these events from the storying order.______ Romeo and Juliet secretly get married.______ Juliet wakes up, sees Romeo dead and kills herself.______ Romeo thinks Juliet is really dead. He takes poison.______ Romeo and Juliet meet and fall in love.______ Juliet takes a drug to make people think she’s dead.______ The Montagues and the Capulets hate each other.______ The two families make peace.

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      What kind of figure of speech is used in the sentence “More haste, less speed.”?() A: metaphor B: irony C: simile D: oxymoron