what is really important is the fact that you have learned how to learn and that you have
- what is really important is the fact that you have learned
- The statement “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school” means that the details you have learned or the facts you have remembered are not important. What is really important is the fact that you have learned how to learn and that you have developed a way of thinking and a sense of responsibility.
- This book will show you _______ can be used in other contexts. A. how you have observedB. how what you have observed C. that you have observed D. how that you have observed A: how you have observed B: how what you have observed C: that you have observed D: how that you have observed
- In this section, you have learned how to ____________.
- Since you want to be a mechanic engineer in the future, it's important for you ___ physics well now. A: learning B: to learn C: to have learned D: