• 2022-06-12
    Male/female, married/single and alive/dead are examples of().
    A: complementarity.
    B: gradability.
    C: synonymy.
    D: relational opposites.
  • A


    • 0

      The relationship between “tulip/ flower” is _______. A: relational opposites B: complementary C: gradable opposites D: hyponymy

    • 1

      The statement "______" can be used to describe applicant's marital status. A: single B: female C: male D: dancing

    • 2

      The relationship between “flower” and“rose” is _______. ( ) A: homonymy B: relational opposites C: superordinate D: hyponymy

    • 3

      【单选题】生成如下数据框的语句是? weight height gender age 1 80 180 male teen 2 75 170 male teen 3 60 165 female adult 4 52 150 female adult A. X ,gender=c("male", "male", "female", "female"),age=c("teen","teen","adult","adult")) B. X ,gender=c("male", "male", "female", "female"),age=c("teen","teen","adult","adult")) C. X ,gender=c(male, male, female, female),age=c(teen,teen,adult,adult)) D. X ,gender=c("male", "male", "female", "female"),age=c("teen","teen","adult","adult"))

    • 4

      “Alive” and “dead” are ______________