• 2021-04-14
    Freshmen are usually ______ about everything when they first come to the college.
  • curious


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      Passage 1According to the author, when does a college student meet his/her first conflict with their roommate? A: The 1st year at college. B: The 2nd year at college. C: The 3rd year at college. D: The 4th year at college.

    • 1

      3 Nowadays, homesickness is usually first experienced when teenagers leave home and go to college. Students are evencautionednot to contact their parents too often during the first few weeks, in order to avoid1)____too much2)____.

    • 2

      As they are young and plastic, freshmen usually canthe college life within a month. A: abandon to B: accomodate to C: customize to D: conform to

    • 3

      College usually begins on______. A: the first of September B: the first', September C: September one

    • 4

      I want to see everything __1__order when I come back.