American Dreams is all about fighting for a brighter future.
- Dreams can provide information about the future.
- 2. Scientists believe dreams are about your past and future.
- Dreams can provide information about the future.梦境可以预见未来.
- We are all (concern)____about her future.
- According to the text Toward a brighter future for all, fill the blank with proper words or expressions.You may feel ___________ by the wealth of courses available to you.
- 0
I’d like to take a ______ at whatever is beneficial to my brighter future.
- 1
"题录“CRAWFPRDW,GORMANM. Future libraries: dreams, madness, &reality[M].Chicago American Library Association,1995.”反映的是什么类型的文献?
- 2
______, he knows well about his family history and dreams of being a writer in the future. A: To be a child, B: As a child, C: Child as he is, D: A child as he is,
- 3
What is scientists’ attitude towards the saying that dreams about future will come true A: Positive. B: B. Negative. C: C. Neutral. D: Not mentioned.
- 4
1. In some cultures, people use dreams to predict the future.