• 2022-06-14
    Twelve hours a week seemed a generous______of your time to the nursing home.
    A: affliction
    B: alternative
    C: allocation
    D: alliance
  • C


    • 0

      They will be back home() A: a week later B: after a week C: in a week D: a week

    • 1

      You don’t have to ______ yourself. I think you did the right thing putting your mother in a nursing home. A: justify B: hinder C: indulge D: appoint

    • 2

      A nursing home is a place for the old and sick.

    • 3

      5. One out of ten American teens spent 40 hours a week or more playing video games,which is equal to the time most adults spend per week at work.

    • 4

      I often the happy time I spent at your home last summer.